
Respect for all people
Unquestionable integrity
Excellence in everything we do
Speed in servicing
Respect for all people
Unquestionable integrity
Excellence in everything we do
Speed in servicing
Prestolink Movers And Packers is one of the trusted names in the market. We provide the most reliable warehousing and storage services. The warehouse facility we provide includes loading docks and others. We have the space for storing all the materials while relocation process. We know how important your belongings are thus we strive to provide them with maximum security. We keep your material safe and deliver it to your desired destination. We take all the steps to assure the safety of your belongings.

We also take all the safety measures while transporting your freight to you. We have a trained team of professionals. They have expertise in handling different types of items, fragile, antique or any other. In our warehouse, you can store anything from your official documents to your valuable household items.
Well guarded and spacious, our warehousing facility ensures complete safety of goods. Keeping the goods in tact and impervious to any kind of damage, our warehousing facility available all across the country, protects goods during transit. Our well-designed warehouses provide an undamaged care for every stored item. warehousing service provider Transit Insurance freight forwarding in India.
Service Experience

Mr. Randhir Kumar Singh

Managing Director

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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Pre-Built Demos Collection

Alico comes with a beautiful collection of modern, easily importable, and highly customizable demo layouts. Any of which can be installed via one click.