Director Message

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Managing Diector
Mr. Randhir Kumar Singh.

Director's Message

Progress for me has never been a dream. It has always been a distant reality and once one milestone is achieved, there is always another one waiting to be crossed. It is with this belief that I started Prestolink Packers And Movers Pvt. Ltd., a company that was in the business of Packers And Movers. Almost instantly, Prestolink Packers And Movers. became a prominent name in its business segment, but like every entrepreneur sticks to their dream, I always wanted to push my company to more prosperous milestones. More than being a global player, I always perceived my company as a unit that could make a difference with its quality and competitively priced products. Taking a path less traveled, I expanded Packers And Movers, a highly sensitive business that requires a high amount of technical know-how, expertise and specialized knowledge.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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