Why Us

Quality Assurance
Respect for all people
Unquestionable integrity
Excellence in everything we do
Speed in servicing
Respect for all people
Unquestionable integrity
Excellence in everything we do
Speed in servicing
Prestolink Packers and Movers is a full service packers and movers company based in Patna & Delhi. Our specialization is to provide packaging and shifting services for household items, business properties, and industrial goods. We delivers good to your desired location via different modes of transportation depending on the size and distance and delivery timing. Since we are serving all over india for a very long time we are well versed with every corner of our service areas in the city. Whether it is requirement of shifting industrial goods or emergence of transporting household goods, we try our best to pack your goods in a professional way and shift it to your desired location in well-organized manner.
Our online application questions and real time underwriting enable us to calculate the best price for you.
Service Experience

Mr. Randhir Kumar Singh

Managing Director

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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Pre-Built Demos Collection

Alico comes with a beautiful collection of modern, easily importable, and highly customizable demo layouts. Any of which can be installed via one click.